Thursday, September 5, 2013

Saints Row IV (Spoilers)

I have played all of the Saints Row games, I loved this one the story was silly and fun to play through. Though the side quest kinda sucked all they were was the goofy missions you do to get more territory, so the same 5 things over and over again. though they did try to add a little story into it, if I didn't want the achievements I most likely would have stopped doing them. I did how ever have a friend playing with me at times but he started only doing the main missions to finish the story line but when he got to the end he couldn't kill the last boss as to where it was kinda easy for me so I don't know if the power ups I got from the side quests helped more then I thought.

Now for the spoilers. My favorite character in the first 2 game was Johnny Gat and him dieing in the 3rd one made me very sad, but they brought him back in this game saying he was taking by the aliens that attacked ear... wait okay kinda getting ahead of myself let's step back.
In a world where the Saints are no longer just a street gang but instead they run the white house! You start out as the president of the USA on your way to a press conference till it is interrupted by well aliens that come and take all your homies "Oh noes", also you. You then wake up in what they later say is your worst nightmare kinda thing and I agree with the character the 50s is a scary place... I don't like skirts.
So after a little help from kinzie you get out of this crazy world and start getting the band back together, kinda like the other 3 games.

Over all this game is great and I recommend it to ever one unless you don't like free Rom kinda games, you don't really have to drive around or try not to run into stuff because in this game you get super powers and can run so fast you push cars out of the way when you pass them! 

If you like this game take the time to tell me your favorite part, why you think other should play it, and also I think it would be great if you shared some screen shots of your character! 

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