Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thoughts on 2014

Wow... another year gone by... New years is a time that makes people look back on what they have accomplished in the past year. They scale themselves based on whatever it is they see as important, for some people this process can be sad or angering. I mean not everyone looks back and says "This was the best year yet." I am a very positive person and I find it easy to bonce back from hard times.
Last year I started up my YouTube channel, Stopped playing WoW, continued with me not so exciting "job" as a dog sitter, saved money, lost money, and had my first/last surgery ever. I drink but never to much, I save what I can to try to better myself, I drive at 10 and 2, and all around don't enjoy breaking rules. What I am saying is I am kinda a boring person and I am ok with that.
This year I want to make some bigger changes in my life, I would love to see this YouTube thing start to go somewhere, but overall I just want to be happy again... It shouldn't be so hard to be happy.

I hope that everyone had a great New Year! and I hope that when you look back over the next couple days you focus on the positives! I know I will from now on.

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