Monday, November 18, 2013

Free Champion Rotation

Is it just me or does Miss Fortune seem to be free to play ALL the time. *Face desk* I don't know why but for some reason this champion is the most annoying thing in the game and every time they make her free I get some noob ADC playing her. As a Support player I can only do so much to stop my derpy hatted friend here from running into towers, face checking bushes, and most likely using teleport to return to base. Now by no means am I saying that every Miss Fortune player is bad... I am just saying that out of all the champions I see she is the one that bads seem to play (Well other then Yi). All I am asking is for an ADC that can last hit and doesn't run in a circle like a dog that thinks the enemy is his tail... That being said to all you good MF players out their keep on being annoying with that alt and I'll see you on the rift! (Not on my team of course.) 

Don't play leauge but you want to try it? Use me as a refer a friend!
Summoner name Salaura. Just enter my name and level to 10 to help me get Medieval Twitch!

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