Monday, May 19, 2014

Steam update.

TheFluffyCouch has opened up our own steam group for viewers and friends. You can join the group by asking me (Stealthy Kitty) on steam. The idea of the group is to get more involved with the community and give information about upcoming streams or fun open games (more once we start getting servers). I hope you join us on the fluffy couch steam group! 

Now onto the info about the channel. As you might have noticed I have been moving away from minecraft seeing as I want a working channel/community and I just think that most the people that watch minecraft don't really care about any of the other content on my channel so I don't really want more subs that are not going to watch any of my videos. So that being said the plan is to move into steam games with achievements and to start getting them, yes I will still make some minecraft videos (Like the minecraft hardcore challenge) for the time being because I enjoy that and hope you guys do to. 

So to round it all up OnTheFluffyCouch is now a steam game channel that has the goal of getting achievements!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Ok so there is not that many bad things for me to say about this amazing game, but first to help you understand why I feel the way I do I am going to give you a little of my MMO back ground.
I started playing WoW back in Burning Crusade times not sure the year any more, but I played up till just last year (2013). I am a PvPer and love the joy of open world PvP along with arena/battle ground style, once WoW started to treat the PvPers like they were second class I started to drift away from it looking for new MMOs that filled the void, all I wanted was a game that made PvPers 1.need to be skilled in the slightest and 2. need to be in PvP gear. I can't stress this enough... what is the point of PvPing when every carebear can walk up and one shot you because the same tier raid gear is better? Or if you can get PvP gear by raiding... I have tried lots of other games that kept the combat mainly simple and not that hard to master like Tera and Aion, and its not that I don't enjoy games like GuildWars2 but not having the world PvP was just to hard for me to over come. It seemed like nothing could keep me interested in it as WoW had done before, I decided to stay with WoW till about 5 months ago. What finally killed my WoW career was when I had a support person rudely speak to me when answering my ticket... I am all for trying and failing at balancing your game... but don't talk down to your subs like they mean nothing to you.
So with that I left WoW to play small single player indie games till sometime came along... I tell you friends this game is what I have been waiting for!

The Review!
As a PvPer I am happy to say not only is this game fun to fight in, it is fun to level in to. I have not been playing the beta for that long but from what I can see not only is the PvP everything I wanted and more I even think I will enjoy the PvE stuff, with dodging and double jump this movement filled game is just what that doctor order for people bored for clicking one button! If you have not yet heard of this game I think you should check it out Here. But enough about the amazing combat, let's talk about Paths. Paths are something you pick in character creation along with your class, once in game paths will give you quests to do that cater to your play style based on the path you pick. As I was an adventurer in the beta my style is to randomly run off trail to see if I can climb some random rock over there.... and this path makes it so some of this stuff gives me rewards! So that's all I have to say for now, give it a look and tell me what you think about it?!

Monday, April 7, 2014

OnTheFluffyCouch Community

So I have been thinking, What if onthefluffycouch become a community? We would play cross games, host servers, some rules, maybe voice chats, and live streams to help group. It just come to me last night, maybe a community would be the best route to take with this. We would have a website and forums, it wouldn't be cheep to get started but once it picked up it might work. I will be posting a video more about this later on this week, but I think this could work.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scatter brained (Meow News)

Ok I think I am being a little scatter brained lately... I released a video that I already released with a different title thinking it was a different one, I have been failing to keep up with video release dates as is... I have been working on a lot of art projects lately because some times you just get the need to create something so I have been spending days on projects and slacking a bit in other areas... like house work and YouTube.
I think I am going to set days a side to just do something crazy creative so I don't slack as much from now on... Now if I could just remember where I put my slippers... Oh also my wrist started hurting again so I have a brace on, makes it kinda hard to play games but I am trying anyway.

Monday, February 3, 2014

More Mew News

I have started to move away from a "Minecraft" channel more into a "Let's Play" channel, meaning I want to have all kinds of games on there but I will keep doing minecraft it just will be another game kinda thing. I have heard that non focused channels get less views so I was thinking it would be a bad idea, but when I was just doing minecraft videos I would stop recording for months for no reason other then I didn't want to play minecraft so yea...

I know a good number of my subs subbed for a series I stopped doing early/mid last year so maybe the same will happen with the other videos, they will pick up views later? I am not sure. I would rather play different games to show people what they are then to play the same game over and over, even more so now that I don't want to spend time modding the game anymore.

Well kinda a random rant but that's what most of theses are :D I am just going to keep releasing new videos and see how my subs change, maybe I won't get "Famous" this way but whatever at least I am trying to do this my way!

P.S. I cut my own hair today! For no reason at all...

Friday, January 17, 2014

League Ranked

So I am getting ready to do my placement matches in league, I am kinda nervous this year because I plan on actually trying to rank up this year and I have been doing a lot of work to try and get better. But it is still scary to me to go into a match with people I don't know because I will feel bad if I do bad kinda thing x.x
So I am going to try my best to get a good placement this year! I'll put my stats for each game here after I am done so everyone can see how good/bad I did

Matches BronzeIV

If I could get just one ADC just one! That was not bad in some way! First Leona game my vayne went 1/10/1... I mean really? she rolled into the tower 3 times and didn't move back when the jungler came to gank us. First Annie game vayne went 1/8/0... Ok guys if you can't play vayne don't pick her!
I am not saying I am a god sent player or anything but in every game so far I have a bad ADC and at least one of those guys that talk in chat in all caps yelling at everyone. *sigh*

So onto LCS talk! I have a really good feeling about some of the NA teams this year and I can't wait to see them play they all looked strong coming into the season and I am kinda excited to have Evil Gen join the NA LCS. Also the roster changes for Coast, TSM, and Curse have me even more excited to see how everything plays out! So here are my calls for the games
But I am not going to pick a favorite team for this year till I watch the first set of games. Who are you cheering for?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


So... I have been looking into making some designs and putting them on shirts, mug, and what not... any interest in that kinda thing? I have been making shirt designs to sale for about 5 years now, I have made shirts for dance companies and other small businesses. Might be nice to make one for me to help promote or just with fun sayings people will enjoy!
I will be posting some ideas on the Art page once I have some ready.